FAQ Self-Care, Planning and Hobby Books

Self-care, Planning and Hobby books

What are Self-care books?

Self-care is all about looking after your own health and using knowledge and information that is available to you.  Self-care involves mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social activities and you are bound to find a book that helps strengthen you in one of these areas. 


What are your planning books?

These books can range from party planning to keeping track of gas mileage or even notetaking or journaling.  Any book that requires documenting or planning of any sort will fall under this category.  They will keep you organized and require less time on your part because the hard work is already done.


What are hobby books?

Books that help you document any hobby you have.  Fishing, Hunting, Coloring are some examples.  

More books in each category will be continuously added.